
One of my fears about publishing a book, and particularly a memoir, is having to speak to people about myself and my story. While teaching at the college, I can deliver directions and instructions to students without hesitation, but standing up and impromptu speaking has been a scary thing for me, and a lot of other people too, if the stats are accurate!

Ages ago, in my meditations about if, when, and how to publish, I had the inspiration to join Toastmasters so I could learn how to speak in public. Maybe if I handled that roadblock, publication would unfold more easily and without the paralyzing fear associated with oral presentations. Within a day of receiving this insight, I met the president of one of the many San Diego Toastmaster chapters in the change room at the pool where I swim. She was encouraging and welcoming that day and every time I saw her after that, but I just couldn’t get myself to a meeting. Even so, I kept on writing and the years passed by.

This fall, I knew I had to take some action towards publishing and while I was researching publishers, I looked up Toastmasters and picked a club in my area that met on a day I could attend. It was easier to do that than choose a publisher! I emailed the club I wanted to visit and drove myself over there on the appointed day. 

To my surprise, it was not a traumatic event. I guess timing is everything. I showed up, participated, and it was fun. Yes, I was a bit nervous, but the exhilaration of finally jumping off a cliff that I had been standing on for years, was stronger. When I introduced myself, I expressed why I was there: I had written a book, and I wanted to prepare myself to able to speak about it in public. 

The next week I signed a publishing contract. 

I have continued to participate with Toastmasters, learning how to speak in dynamic, audience captivating ways, about my upcoming book. Compiling and delivering the speeches have had added benefits of more realizations about the book, myself, and the whole process. 

Now, I am not saying that if you sign up with Toastmasters you will land a publishing contract, but for me it is a gift that keeps on giving, despite the years it took to get me onboard! 

Deborah Rudell

I grew up in a small town in British Columbia, the eldest of four children. Typical of the 60’s and 70’s, there were many children in the neighborhood and plenty of independence and autonomy. My parents were busy with younger siblings and as a child I found solace in my stuffed animals and imaginary friends. As a preteen, my grandmother taught me about reincarnation, Edgar Cayce, yoga and Jesus. As a teen, my coping mechanism for the pain I saw and felt in the world was a reading list that included Max Heindel’s The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, Gina Cerminara’s Many Mansions, Levi Dowling’s The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ and books about Atlantis.

Is There a Story to Tell?


Speaking Up: A Crossroads