Elixir Revealed

Dust storm in the boatyard: industrial compressor sand blaster. What will be revealed under all the old paint and rust?

~ January 1988

The boat yard was next to JC’s sandblasting business. Somehow, all the recycled glass and bottles on the island found their way to his yard and were added to enormous piles of colored and clear glass. The constant sound of smashing bottles was part of the boatyard ambience, thepercussion and chimes to the constant drone of the gas generator. There was also a four-legged component of this neighbor, a very large black and brown Doberman guard dog who answered to the name of ‘Tiny.’ Needless to say, we were not on friendly terms with her, no one was, she knew her job and was very good at it!

JC was happy to help us out and clean up the whole boat down to the bare teak planking. A colorful island character, he worked shirtless except for a burgundy necktie - his trademark daily attire. He also used beach sand rather than the commercial grade abrasive generally used. We considered this decision and decided that the hull would need major refinishing anyways so any salt residues from the beach sand would be a moot point.

The decision to sandblast the entire boat was a sound one, allowing us to see the rot was indeed everywhere. The hull needed to be completely refastened.

Sandblasting the entire boat with beach sand. Yup, that’s right, he’s not wearing a shirt.

Deborah Rudell

I grew up in a small town in British Columbia, the eldest of four children. Typical of the 60’s and 70’s, there were many children in the neighborhood and plenty of independence and autonomy. My parents were busy with younger siblings and as a child I found solace in my stuffed animals and imaginary friends. As a preteen, my grandmother taught me about reincarnation, Edgar Cayce, yoga and Jesus. As a teen, my coping mechanism for the pain I saw and felt in the world was a reading list that included Max Heindel’s The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, Gina Cerminara’s Many Mansions, Levi Dowling’s The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ and books about Atlantis.


What’s Left?

